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Hart Plain Junior School


School Lunches

At Hart Plain Junior School, we believe that the best option for children at lunchtime is to have the hot school dinner, provided through our partnership with Education Catering . This is because we believe that the hot school dinner option is much better for the children’s learning and health. We recognise the evidence that states

  • Children are better prepared for learning if they eat well
  • Children make more progress if they have eaten the right nutritional lunch
  • Only 1% of packed lunches provide the correct nutrition
  • Eating hot dinners is an important social occasion and the children learn vital social skills

We are lucky enough to have our own kitchen so all school meals are cooked on site. Each child can select a main item from the menu, which automatically comes accompanied by vegetables, carbohydrate and a dessert (fruit is always a dessert option).

Our menus adhere to the nutritional standards that came into effect from September 2008 and each child will have the opportunity to have at least two portions from a selection of vegetables, salad and fruit with their meal. We will also be continuing to offer additional bread as a free extra to our meals and water is available throughout the lunch period.

Lunch is provided at a cost of £3.00. We ask children to pay for school lunches online. There should be no money brought in to school. Payment must be paid online in advance. Should you repeatedly not pay beforehand your child may be no longer able to buy a hot dinner and a packed lunch will need to be brought in from home. Please contact the office for further information about online payments.

Free School Meals - see separate page in this section for further information regarding eligibility and how to apply for these.

Snacks are not available at this current time to purchase at school. 


Children may bring a packed lunch to school as an alternative to a school dinner. Sweets are not allowed, although chocolate covered biscuits are acceptable. Please encourage children to have a balanced meal in their lunchbox, this could include a sandwich and an item of fruit or raw vegetables. Water is provided for all children at lunchtime. If drinks are brought from home they should be in a suitable non-glass container or flask.

All sandwich boxes and drinks containers are collected in at the beginning of the school day for safekeeping and stored in a safe place.

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